high quality professional learning
improvement teams
regional systems learning
The Multnomah-Clackamas Regional Educator Network (MCREN) is one of 10 Regional Educator Networks in Oregon, supported by the Educator Advancement Council (EAC), an innovative public/nonprofit partnership created by the Oregon Legislature through the passage of Senate Bill 182 (2017) to support the public educator profession from the inside out.
MCREN listens to educators to understand the challenges of teaching and what could make it better. We involve those closest to the problem in order to solve it.
At the heart of our work is the voice of the educator.

Why We Do It.
When teachers are at their best, they are able to provide high quality education that our students deserve.
MCREN empowers and enables educators to be their greatest.

Who We Serve

Upcoming Events
Upcoming MCREN Opportunities & Events
Fall 2024 | Multiple Dates
Fall 2024 | Multiple Dates
Fall 2024 | Multiple Dates
What People are Saying About MCREN

“Being a part of the MCREN — and, further, encouraging staff to directly interface with the support and coaching available — has allowed us to grow momentum for much-needed priorities. Ultimately, this effort geared toward supporting specific focal populations has been a multiplier of effort, important for a smaller school district.”
“Upon first meeting my mentor I believed I couldn’t teach well; now I KNOW I am able to teach better.”
“MCREN has given me several opportunities to connect with other BIPOC educators which is so important because there aren’t many of us. So having and building that support system is clutch. It has made me feel appreciated, respected, and heard.”
“I genuinely have never felt so seen or cared for. You have no idea the impact you had on my practice.”