MCREN News & Events
Stay up-to-date on upcoming professional learning opportunities and other ways to engage and learn with MCREN!

Wayfinder Adult SEL Professional Learning
Coming Soon: Adult SEL/Wayfinder for Multnomah & Clackamas County Educators: MCREN is excited to share that we’re in the process of partnering with Wayfinder to provide Adult SEL Professional Learning in the Fall of 2024. Participants will engage in a 10-part series that will promote the development of skills to manage expectations, build strong relationships, and engage in real-time self...

MCREN Team Member Spotlight: Megan Lee, Strategic Partnership Manager
Meet Megan Lee, Strategic Partnership Manager Happy Spring! I wanted to take a moment to introduce myself as we look towards the end of the school year. My name is Megan Lee, and I am the Strategic Partnership Manager for MCREN. I came on board at the end of January, and have been spending the past couple of months learning and listening to what our organization is doing, what’s working for this...

MCREN Launches Network Health Survey Data Workgroup
MCREN Network Health Survey Data Workgroup In the fall of 2023, MCREN distributed the Network Health Survey to Multnomah and Clackamas County Educators. The purpose of the MCREN Network Health Survey is to collect an annual snapshot of educator needs, engagement levels with MCREN, and well-being indicators across our region. The survey was open from October 20th to December 15th and distributed...

MCREN Supports Districts with SB 283 Implementation
SB 283 - Oregon Mentoring Program Policy In 2023, Senate Bill 283 allocated $8 million to the Oregon Department of Education to support mentoring programs for educators for the 2023-2025 biennium. These one time funds will support formal mentoring programs that follow the requirements outlined in the former Oregon Mentor Program. Resources can only be used to provide eligible beginning teachers...

FREE Registration to the 2024 OPEF Job Fair
Oregon Professional Educator Fair The Educator Advancement Council invites you to register for free to attend the 2024 Oregon Professional Educator Fair on April 10, 2024 in Portland. Use code OPEFEAC24 when registering to waive the registration fee (see attached flier for instructions). Registration with the code is available until March 31, 2024. We highly encourage anyone who has or is...

Transformational Leadership with Lori Cohen
Transformational Leadership with Lori Cohen This workshop series invites K-12 principals, assistant principals, and district-level leaders to be in community, leveraging the expertise of their colleagues to center equity and grow in their practice. Participants will engage with researched-informed tools to connect in community and grow in their skills and capacities as leaders. They will be...