Coming Soon: Adult SEL/Wayfinder for Multnomah & Clackamas County Educators:
MCREN is excited to share that we’re in the process of partnering with Wayfinder to provide Adult SEL Professional Learning in the Fall of 2024.
Participants will engage in a 10-part series that will promote the development of skills to manage expectations, build strong relationships, and engage in real-time self care. The ongoing series will also provide insight on practices that can be professionally implemented.
This workshop series will invite the participants to engage in a series focused on their own Social and Emotional Learning Journey.
This workshop series will be open to teams from selected school districts; selected districts will be provided more detailed information when available.
Selected participants will need to commit to the full 3 year experience (with in-person and hybrid sessions).
Topics We’ll Explore in the 10 Module Series:
1. Introduction to Purpose
2. Self Compassion
3. Values and Your Path in Education
4. Exploring Strengths
5. Going Beyond the Self
6. Re-Connecting to Purpose
7. The Stories We Tell
8. Design for Belonging
9. Utilizing Empathy to Expand Compassion
10. Creating Tools for the Future
The series will be open to any student facing educator in Multnomah or Clackamas County!
Please stay tuned for more information!